Order History: Large U.S. Supermarket
Scope: 8 months
Categories: UX Research, UX Design, Solution Ideation, Prototyping
Role: Lead UX Designer, UX Researcher, Competitive Analysis, Wireframing, User Journey
Tools: Sketch, Invision
A larger U.S. Grocery Store was implementing online grocery ordering. They needed a way for users to keep track of the orders they made and see the progress of their orders.
An order history feature and experience that organizes information in a simple and helpful way and lets users track the status of their orders as well as makes it easy for users to re-order habitual cart items, a key KPI.
Design Process
I was the lead UX designer on a large grocery store chain’s order history feature. The team was made up of multiple roles including developers, product managers, business and quality analysts. The feature below was introducing order history into the mobile app. One of the challenges here was to understand and prioritize the most important information a shopper would want in an order history feature.
Although I no longer have access to all of the research documents, I am happy to discuss more about this project in person!
A large part of our primary research involved building empathy for our users by going through the flow of ordering groceries online and also by speaking with Kroger customers through short, informational interviews with shoppers. We then mapped their experiences through a journey mapping exercise. Our team was very lean which made it easy to pair qualitative data with quantitative data which lead us to some very impactful insights like the one below:
Most apps show orders for individual items but when shopping at a grocery store, you often buy multiple items. How can we represent that without overwhelming the user? Through our journey mapping and quantitative research, we were able to discover that 60% of carts are habitual which changed the entire direction of our project. We convinced leadership that order history could be a huge opportunity to increase revenue (a key KPI) by allowing users to directly add previously bought items to their current cart. Above is a brief snapshot of the design journey. The first row is the final product and the row below that are artifacts of the research and discovery phase.
60% of carts are habitual and online ordering can be designed to allow users to more easily accomplish their goals.
On the left is the empty state. When a user makes their first order, it will appear in the ‘Your Orders’ section. They will be able to see when they placed the order as well as when they have scheduled to pick up their groceries.
After the user has successfully picked up their order, their screen will change to show both their past orders as well as their in progress orders. If they have any in progress orders, they will be able to see the status on the home page.